Offering Advanced Digital Mammography Technology
Pointe Coupee General Hospital’s primary goal is to always deliver high-quality care to our patients, which is why we use advanced, digital mammography technology. With digital mammography, the radiologist reviews electronic images of the breast using special high-resolution monitors.
With digital mammography, the radiologist reviews electronic images of the breast using special high-resolution monitors. The radiologist can adjust the brightness, change contrast, and zoom in for close-ups of specific areas of interest. Having the ability to manipulate images is one of the main benefits of advanced, digital mammography.
Mammograms play a central part in the early detection of breast cancer because they can detect changes in the breast that are too small or subtle to be felt during a self-breast exam. All forms of mammography use compression and X-Rays to create clear images of the inside of the breast.
Pointe Coupee General Hospital Believes “Early Detection = Hope”
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in women.
After the age of 40, an annual mammogram is your best defense against breast cancer.
A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime is 1 in 8.
Early breast cancer detection is the single most important factor to surviving the disease.
8 out of 9 women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease.
The 5-year survival rate for localized breast cancer is 98%.
Mammography detects most cancers in women without symptoms.
Mammogram Guidelines
Women should have a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35-40, or sooner if there are symptoms present or if there is a family history of breast cancer.
It is recommended that mammograms continue yearly even for women of advanced age. Breast cancer has no age limit!
Men can also get breast cancer and should see a physician if symptoms are present.
To schedule a mammogram with Pointe Coupee General Hospital’s Mammography Department call (225) 638-5703. Screening Mammograms are performed Monday through Friday between 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM. Pointe Coupee General’s radiologist is on-site every Tuesday and Friday for immediate readings of diagnostic mammograms and is available to discuss the results as warranted.